*Brian Wilcox. "a majestic SunDay (no. 1)". Flickr.
the moment I say something is something in that moment it is nothing yet, something is always appearing
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The way of Spirit is to undo the mind in regard to its arrogant claims to truth and Truth, and the mind is a capacity holding an unstable, ever-changing collection of conceptions ~ ideas, notions, beliefs, assumptions, presumptions, theories, ... We cannot ascertain, really, that a mind exists apart from these contents; that is, we can contend mind is only these contents, nothing more. Yet, while we tend to assume these contents give us truth, the truth of anything is the moment before the arising of mind conceiving of that thing. Truth is knowing only in direct perception. So, I know a person best not by collecting more information to get to know him or her, as though knowing is something to arrive at, I know the person before trying to come to know the person. So, Truth... So, Grace, in silence, denudes the mind, making it barren of reliance on conception, for one to know by not knowing. In this sense, Truth is never known, so can never be spoken; yet, in knowing Truth, one knows it cannot be spoken and, so, does not try. One, then, relaxes into quiet, calm intimacy in the atmosphere of all-pervading Truth, an unspeakable, ungovernable, even untameable Presence. Even to say "Truth" or "Presence" is a conception. Yet, we speak, for we must speak, now knowing when we speak of the Truth, we equally misspeak. Ironically, the misspeaking can be effective, even as hints urge one to a destination or echoes call to attention a source. The smell of a flower may lead one to the Garden, the perfume of the lover may lead one to longings to make love.
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Truth ~ or the Word ~ is not a truth, an idea, is not notional
if looking for It, you do not see It if seeking It, you do not find It
Truth by Truth shows Itself to the heart disposed to be shown
emptied of all clinging to appearance of truth Truth appears
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